
fun scaleXDiscreteReversed(name: String? = null, breaks: Any? = null, labels: Any? = null, lablim: Int? = null, limits: List<Any>? = null, expand: List<Number>? = null, naValue: Number? = null, format: String? = null, position: String? = null): Scale

Reversed discrete scale for x-axis.



The name of the scale - used as the axis label or the legend title. If null, the default, the name of the scale is taken from the first mapping used for that aesthetic.


A list of data values specifying the positions of ticks, or a dictionary which maps the tick labels to the breaks values.


A list of labels on ticks, or a dictionary which maps the breaks values to the tick labels.


The maximum label length (in characters) before trimming is applied.


A vector specifying values to display on the axis and their order. Setting limits will remove data not included in the list.


A numeric vector of length two giving multiplicative and additive expansion constants. The vector size == 1 => only multiplicative expand (and additive expand by default). Defaults: multiplicative = 0, additive = 0.2.


Missing values will be replaced with this value.


Specifies the format pattern for labels on the scale.


The position of the axis:

  • "left", "right" or "both" for y-axis;

  • "top", "bottom" or "both" for x-axis.

Format patterns in the format parameter can be just a number format (like "d") or a string template where number format is surrounded by curly braces: "{d} cylinders". Note: the "$" must be escaped as "\$". For more info see: formats.html


  • ".2f" -> "12.45"

  • "Score: {.2f}" -> "Score: 12.45"

  • "Score: {}" -> "Score: 12.454789"