
fun facetGrid(x: String? = null, y: String? = null, scales: String? = null, xOrder: Int = 1, yOrder: Int = 1, xFormat: String? = null, yFormat: String? = null, xLabWidth: Int? = null, yLabWidth: Int? = null): OptionsMap

Splits data by one or two faceting variables. For each data subset creates a plot panel and lays out panels as grid. The grid columns are defined by X faceting variable and rows are defined by Y faceting variable.




Variable name which defines columns of the facet grid.


Variable name which defines rows of the facet grid.


Specifies whether scales are shared across all facets. default = "fixed" (shared), "free" - vary across both rows and columns, "free_x" or "free_y" - vary across rows or columns respectively.


default = 1. Specifies ordering direction of columns: 1 - ascending, -1 - descending


default = 1. Specifies ordering direction of rows: 1 - ascending, -1 - descending


Specifies the format pattern for displaying faceting values in columns.


Specifies the format pattern for displaying faceting values in rows.


Specifies the maximum label length (in characters) before a line break is applied to faceting values in columns. If the original facet label already contains \n as a text separator, the line breaking is not applied.


Specifies the maximum label length (in characters) before a line break is applied to faceting values in rows. If the original facet label already contains \n as a text separator, the line breaking is not applied.

Format pattern in the xFormat/yFormat parameters can be just a number format (like "d") or a string template where number format is surrounded by curly braces: "{d} cylinders". Note: the "$" must be escaped as "\$". For more info see: formats.html


  • ".2f" -> "12.45";

  • "Score: {.2f}" -> "Score: 12.45";

  • "'Score: {}' "-> "Score: 12.454789".