Package-level declarations
Position adjustment options.
Used as a value of the position
parameter in geom_xyz()
val n = 100
val m = 5
val k = 2
val rand = java.util.Random(42)
val data = mapOf(
"v" to List(n) { rand.nextInt(m) },
"c" to List(n) { rand.nextInt(k) }
letsPlot(data) +
geomBar(position = positionDodge()) { x="v"; fill=asDiscrete("c") }
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Adjusts position by dodging overlaps to the side.
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Adjusts position by dodging overlaps to the side.
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Adjusts position by stacking overlapping objects on top of each other and standardise each stack to have constant height.
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Adjusts position by assigning random noise to points. Better for discrete values.
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fun positionJitterDodge(dodgeWidth: Number? = null, jitterWidth: Number? = null, jitterHeight: Number? = null, seed: Int? = null): PosOptions
This is primarily used for aligning points generated through geomPoint()
with dodged boxplots (e.g., a geomBoxplot()
with a fill aesthetic supplied).
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Adjusts position by nudging a given offset.
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Adjusts position by stacking overlapping objects on top of each other.