
class theme(exponentFormat: Any? = null, line: Any? = null, rect: Any? = null, text: Any? = null, title: Any? = null, axis: Any? = null, axisOntop: Boolean? = null, axisOntopX: Boolean? = null, axisOntopY: Boolean? = null, axisTitle: Any? = null, axisTitleX: Any? = null, axisTitleY: Any? = null, axisText: Any? = null, axisTextX: Any? = null, axisTextY: Any? = null, axisTicks: Any? = null, axisTicksX: Any? = null, axisTicksY: Any? = null, axisTicksLength: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthX: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthY: Number? = null, axisLine: Any? = null, axisLineX: Any? = null, axisLineY: Any? = null, legendBackground: Any? = null, legendText: Any? = null, legendTitle: Any? = null, legendMargin: Any? = null, legendSpacing: Number? = null, legendSpacingX: Number? = null, legendSpacingY: Number? = null, legendKey: Any? = null, legendKeySize: Number? = null, legendKeyWidth: Number? = null, legendKeyHeight: Number? = null, legendKeySpacing: Number? = null, legendKeySpacingX: Number? = null, legendKeySpacingY: Number? = null, legendBoxSpacing: Number? = null, panelBackground: Any? = null, panelBorder: Any? = null, panelBorderOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGrid: Any? = null, panelGridMajor: Any? = null, panelGridMinor: Any? = null, panelGridMajorX: Any? = null, panelGridMinorX: Any? = null, panelGridMajorY: Any? = null, panelGridMinorY: Any? = null, panelGridOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopX: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopY: Boolean? = null, panelInset: Any? = null, plotBackground: Any? = null, plotTitle: Any? = null, plotSubtitle: Any? = null, plotCaption: Any? = null, plotMessage: Any? = null, plotMargin: Any? = null, plotInset: Any? = null, plotTitlePosition: Any? = null, plotCaptionPosition: Any? = null, stripBackground: Any? = null, stripBackgroundX: Any? = null, stripBackgroundY: Any? = null, stripText: Any? = null, stripTextX: Any? = null, stripTextY: Any? = null, axisTooltip: Any? = null, axisTooltipX: Any? = null, axisTooltipY: Any? = null, axisTooltipText: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextX: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextY: Any? = null, tooltip: Any? = null, tooltipText: Any? = null, tooltipTitleText: Any? = null, labelText: Any? = null, geom: Any? = null) : OptionsMap

Use theme() to modify individual components of a theme, allowing you to control the appearance of all non-data components of the plot.

All parameters responsible for styling of lines, rectangles (often called "background") and texts accept:

  • string "blank" or the result of the elementBlank() function.

  • the result of elementLine(), elementRect() or elementText() respectively.

Settings passed via more specific parameters override settings passed via less specific parameters. For example, parameter axisLineX is more specific than parameter axisLine.




default="e" ("e", "pow"). Format for numeric labels in scientific notation. e for "e" notation (e.g. 1e+6); pow for "power" notation (e.g. 1x10^6). This will enable superscript formatting for the exponent.


All line elements.


All rectangle elements.


All text elements.


All line elements: plot, axes, legends.


All axis elements: lines, ticks, texts, titles.


Option to place axis (lines, tick-marks and labels) over the data layers.


Option to place X-axis (lines, tick-marks and labels) over the data layers.


Option to place Y-axis (lines, tick-marks and labels) over the data layers.


Labels of axes.


Labels of axes.


Labels of axes.


Tick labels along axes.


Tick labels along axes.


Tick labels along axes.


Tick marks along axes.


Tick marks along axes.


Tick marks along axes.


Length of tick marks.


Length of tick marks.


Length of tick marks.


Lines along axes.


Lines along axes.


Lines along axes.


Background of legend.


Legend item labels.


Title of legend.


Margin around each legend. Margins around the text. The margin may be specified using a number or a list of numbers:

  • a number or list of one number - the same margin it applied to all four sides;

  • a list of two numbers - the first margin applies to the top and bottom, the second - to the left and right;

  • a list of three numbers - the first margin applies to the top, the second - to the right and left, the third - to the bottom;

  • a list of four numbers - the margins are applied to the top, right, bottom and left in that order. It is acceptable to use null for any side; in this case, the default side value for the legend margin side will be used.


Spacing between legends.


Spacing between legends in the horizontal direction.


Spacing between legends in the horizontal direction.


Background underneath legend keys.


Size of legend keys.


Key background width.


Key background height.


Spacing between legend keys


Spacing between legend keys in the horizontal direction.


Spacing between legend keys in the horizontal direction.


Spacing between plotting area and legend box.


Background of plotting area.


Border around plotting area.


Option to place border around plotting area over the data layers.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Grid lines.


Option to place major grid lines and minor grid lines over the data layers.


Option to place X-axis major grid lines and minor grid lines over the data layers.


Option to place Y-axis major grid lines and minor grid lines over the data layers.


Inset for a panel. The inset behaves like a padding for coordPolar(transofrmBkgr = false) otherwise it behaves like a margin around the panel. The inset may be specified using a number or a list of numbers:

  • a number or list of one number - the same inset it applied to all four sides;

  • a list of two numbers - the first inset applies to the top and bottom, the second - to the left and right;

  • a list of three numbers - the first margin applies to the top, the second - to the right and left, the third - to the bottom;

  • a list of four numbers - the insets are applied to the top, right, bottom and left in that order. It is acceptable to use null for any side; in this case, the default value for the plot inset side will be used.


Background of the entire plot.


Plot title.


Plot subtitle.


Plot caption.


Plot message (e.g. sampling messages). Set an elementBlank() to show nothing. Set an elementText() to show sampling messages (elementText() options don't affect a message text).


Margin around entire plot. Margins around the text. The margin may be specified using a number or a list of numbers:

  • a number or list of one number - the same margin it applied to all four sides;

  • a list of two numbers - the first margin applies to the top and bottom, the second - to the left and right;

  • a list of three numbers - the first margin applies to the top, the second - to the right and left, the third - to the bottom;

  • a list of four numbers - the margins are applied to the top, right, bottom and left in that order. It is acceptable to use null for any side; in this case, the default side value for the plot margin side will be used.


Inset for a plotting area, including the axes with their labels, but without titles. The inset may be specified using a number or a list of numbers:

  • a number or list of one number - the same inset it applied to all four sides;

  • a list of two numbers - the first inset applies to the top and bottom, the second - to the left and right;

  • a list of three numbers - the first inset applies to the top, the second - to the right and left, the third - to the bottom;

  • a list of four numbers - the insets are applied to the top, right, bottom and left in that order.

It is acceptable to use None for any side; in this case, the default value for the plot inset side will be used.


default = "panel" ("panel", "plot"). Alignment of the plot title/subtitle. A value of "panel" means that title and subtitle are aligned to the plot panels. A value of "plot" means that title and subtitle are aligned to the entire plot (excluding margins).


default = "panel" ("panel", "plot"). Alignment of the plot caption. A value of "panel" means that caption is aligned to the plot panels. A value of "plot" means that caption is aligned to the entire plot (excluding margins).


Background of facet labels.


Horizontal facet background.


Vertical facet background.


Facet labels.


Horizontal facet labels.


Vertical facet labels.


Axes tooltips.


Axes tooltips.


Axes tooltips.


Text in axes tooltips.


Text in axes tooltips.


Text in axes tooltips.


General tooltip.


Text in general tooltip.


Tooltip title text.


Annotation text. Annotations are currently supported for pie and bar charts. Set elementText() to specify annotation text parameters: font family and face, text size, text color (relevant for a pie chart - for those annotations that are outside the pie).


Geometry colors.


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constructor(exponentFormat: Any? = null, line: Any? = null, rect: Any? = null, text: Any? = null, title: Any? = null, axis: Any? = null, axisOntop: Boolean? = null, axisOntopX: Boolean? = null, axisOntopY: Boolean? = null, axisTitle: Any? = null, axisTitleX: Any? = null, axisTitleY: Any? = null, axisText: Any? = null, axisTextX: Any? = null, axisTextY: Any? = null, axisTicks: Any? = null, axisTicksX: Any? = null, axisTicksY: Any? = null, axisTicksLength: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthX: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthY: Number? = null, axisLine: Any? = null, axisLineX: Any? = null, axisLineY: Any? = null, legendBackground: Any? = null, legendText: Any? = null, legendTitle: Any? = null, legendMargin: Any? = null, legendSpacing: Number? = null, legendSpacingX: Number? = null, legendSpacingY: Number? = null, legendKey: Any? = null, legendKeySize: Number? = null, legendKeyWidth: Number? = null, legendKeyHeight: Number? = null, legendKeySpacing: Number? = null, legendKeySpacingX: Number? = null, legendKeySpacingY: Number? = null, legendBoxSpacing: Number? = null, panelBackground: Any? = null, panelBorder: Any? = null, panelBorderOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGrid: Any? = null, panelGridMajor: Any? = null, panelGridMinor: Any? = null, panelGridMajorX: Any? = null, panelGridMinorX: Any? = null, panelGridMajorY: Any? = null, panelGridMinorY: Any? = null, panelGridOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopX: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopY: Boolean? = null, panelInset: Any? = null, plotBackground: Any? = null, plotTitle: Any? = null, plotSubtitle: Any? = null, plotCaption: Any? = null, plotMessage: Any? = null, plotMargin: Any? = null, plotInset: Any? = null, plotTitlePosition: Any? = null, plotCaptionPosition: Any? = null, stripBackground: Any? = null, stripBackgroundX: Any? = null, stripBackgroundY: Any? = null, stripText: Any? = null, stripTextX: Any? = null, stripTextY: Any? = null, axisTooltip: Any? = null, axisTooltipX: Any? = null, axisTooltipY: Any? = null, axisTooltipText: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextX: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextY: Any? = null, tooltip: Any? = null, tooltipText: Any? = null, tooltipTitleText: Any? = null, labelText: Any? = null, geom: Any? = null)


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Arrangement of multiple legends: horizontal or vertical.

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Justification of each legend within the overall bounding box, when there are multiple legends.

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fun legendJustification(xanchor: Number, yanchor: Number): theme

Specifies the anchor point for positioning legend inside plot. Justification (0, 0) corresponds to the left, lower corner of the legend. Justification (1, 1) corresponds to the right, upper corner of the legend.

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fun legendPosition(xpos: Number, ypos: Number): theme

Specifies the legend position relative to the plot drawing area. Position (0, 0) corresponds to the left, lower corner of the plot. Position (1, 1) corresponds to the right, upper corner of the plot.

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