Package-level declarations


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class theme(exponentFormat: Any? = null, line: Any? = null, rect: Any? = null, text: Any? = null, title: Any? = null, axis: Any? = null, axisOntop: Boolean? = null, axisOntopX: Boolean? = null, axisOntopY: Boolean? = null, axisTitle: Any? = null, axisTitleX: Any? = null, axisTitleY: Any? = null, axisText: Any? = null, axisTextX: Any? = null, axisTextY: Any? = null, axisTicks: Any? = null, axisTicksX: Any? = null, axisTicksY: Any? = null, axisTicksLength: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthX: Number? = null, axisTicksLengthY: Number? = null, axisLine: Any? = null, axisLineX: Any? = null, axisLineY: Any? = null, legendBackground: Any? = null, legendText: Any? = null, legendTitle: Any? = null, panelBackground: Any? = null, panelBorder: Any? = null, panelBorderOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGrid: Any? = null, panelGridMajor: Any? = null, panelGridMinor: Any? = null, panelGridMajorX: Any? = null, panelGridMinorX: Any? = null, panelGridMajorY: Any? = null, panelGridMinorY: Any? = null, panelGridOntop: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopX: Boolean? = null, panelGridOntopY: Boolean? = null, panelInset: Any? = null, plotBackground: Any? = null, plotTitle: Any? = null, plotSubtitle: Any? = null, plotCaption: Any? = null, plotMessage: Any? = null, plotMargin: Any? = null, plotInset: Any? = null, plotTitlePosition: Any? = null, plotCaptionPosition: Any? = null, stripBackground: Any? = null, stripText: Any? = null, axisTooltip: Any? = null, axisTooltipX: Any? = null, axisTooltipY: Any? = null, axisTooltipText: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextX: Any? = null, axisTooltipTextY: Any? = null, tooltip: Any? = null, tooltipText: Any? = null, tooltipTitleText: Any? = null, labelText: Any? = null, geom: Any? = null) : OptionsMap

Use theme() to modify individual components of a theme, allowing you to control the appearance of all non-data components of the plot.


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fun elementBlank(): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies how non-data components of the plot are drawn. This theme element draws nothing, and assigns no space.

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fun elementGeom(pen: Any? = null, brush: Any? = null, paper: Any? = null): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies new values for the named colors.

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fun elementLine(color: Any? = null, size: Number? = null, linetype: Any? = null, blank: Boolean = false): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies how non-data components of the plot are drawn. This theme element draws lines.

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fun elementRect(fill: Any? = null, color: Any? = null, size: Number? = null, linetype: Any? = null, blank: Boolean = false): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies how non-data components of the plot are drawn. This theme element draws borders and backgrounds.

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fun elementText(color: Any? = null, family: Any? = null, face: Any? = null, size: Number? = null, angle: Number? = null, hjust: Number? = null, vjust: Number? = null, margin: Any? = null, blank: Boolean = false): <Error class: unknown class>

Specifies how non-data components of the plot are drawn. This theme element draws texts.

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fun flavorDarcula(): OptionsMap

Darcula color scheme.

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fun flavorHighContrastDark(): OptionsMap

High contrast dark color scheme.

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fun flavorHighContrastLight(): OptionsMap

High contrast light color scheme.

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fun flavorSolarizedDark(): OptionsMap

Solarized dark color scheme.

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fun flavorSolarizedLight(): OptionsMap

Solarized light color scheme.

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fun themeBW(): OptionsMap

Grey lines on white background with dark grey plot border.

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fun themeClassic(): OptionsMap

Dark grey axes and no gridlines.

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fun themeGrey(): OptionsMap

Grey background and white gridlines.

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fun themeLight(): OptionsMap

Light grey lines of various widths on white background.

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fun themeMinimal(): OptionsMap

A minimalistic theme without axes lines.

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fun themeMinimal2(): OptionsMap

Default theme similar to themeMinimal() but with x-axis line and only major grid lines.

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fun themeNone(): OptionsMap

Basic settings are applied.

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fun themeVoid(): Feature

A completely blank (or "void") background theme: no borders, axes, or gridlines.