Package-level declarations

Functions to pass as a value of a parameter of layer functions like:

val n = 16
val data = mapOf(
"x1" to List(n) { cos(2.0 * PI * it / n) },
"y1" to List(n) { sin(2.0 * PI * it / n) },
"x2" to List(n) { cos(2.0 * PI * (it + 1) / n) },
"y2" to List(n) { sin(2.0 * PI * (it + 1) / n) },
letsPlot(data) +
geomSegment(arrow=arrow(angle = 15, type = "closed"))
{ x="x1"; y="y1"; xend="x2"; yend="y2" } +


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fun arrow(angle: Number? = null, length: Number? = null, ends: String? = null, type: String? = null): Map<String, Any>

Describes arrows to add to a line.