Package-level declarations


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class statBin(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.histogram(), val position: PosOptions = positionStack(), val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Any? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val threshold: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: HistogramMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, HistogramAesthetics, BinStatAesthetics, BinStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a 1d distribution by dividing variable mapped to x-axis into bins and counting the number of observations in each bin.

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class statBin2D(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.tile(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val width: Number? = null, val height: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Any? = null, val bins: <Error class: unknown class><Int, Int>? = null, val binWidth: <Error class: unknown class><Number?, Number?>? = null, val drop: Boolean? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: Bin2dMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, TileAesthetics, Bin2dStatAesthetics, Bin2dStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a 2d distribution by dividing the plane into a grid and counting the number of observations in each rectangle.

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class statContour(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.CONTOUR), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val z: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, mapping: ContourMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PathAesthetics, ContourStatAesthetics, ContourStatParameters, WithColorOption

Displays contours of a 3d surface in 2d.

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class statContourFilled(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.CONTOURF), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val z: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: ContourfMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PolygonAesthetics, ContourStatAesthetics, ContourStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays filled contours of a 3d surface in 2d.

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class statCount(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions =, val position: PosOptions = positionStack(), val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val width: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: BarMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, CountStatAesthetics, BarAesthetics, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays the counts of items in each observed category.

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class statCount2D(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.pie(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val slice: Number? = null, val explode: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val stroke: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PieMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PieAesthetics, Count2dStatAesthetics, WithFillOption

Displays a distribution of counts by dividing the plane into a grid and counting the number of observations in each category of each rectangle.

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class statDensity(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.DENSITY), val position: PosOptions = positionStack(), val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: DensityMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, AreaAesthetics, DensityStatAesthetics, DensityStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a density estimate.

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class statDensity2D(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.DENSITY2D), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val z: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val contour: Boolean? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, mapping: Density2dMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PathAesthetics, ContourStatAesthetics, Density2dStatAesthetics, Density2dStatParameters, WithColorOption

Displays density function contour.

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class statDensity2DFilled(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.DENSITY2DF), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val contour: Boolean? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: Density2dfMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PolygonAesthetics, Density2dStatAesthetics, Density2dStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays filled contour bands.

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class statDensityRidges(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.AREA_RIDGES), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val height: Number? = null, val quantile: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val tailsCutoff: Number? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: AreaRidgesMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, AreaRidgesAesthetics, DensityRidgesStatAesthetics, DensityRidgesStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Plots the sum of the y and height aesthetics versus x. Heights of the ridges are relatively scaled.

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class statECDF(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.step(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val orientation: String? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val n: Int? = null, val pad: Boolean? = true, val colorBy: String? = null, mapping: LineMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, LineAesthetics, ECDFStatParameters, WithColorOption

Displays the empirical cumulative distribution function.

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class statQQ(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.qq(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val sample: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val stroke: Number? = null, val distribution: String? = null, val dParams: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: QQMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, QQAesthetics, QQStatAesthetics, QQStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays quantile-quantile plot.

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class statQQ2(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.point(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val stroke: Number? = null, val angle: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PointAesthetics, QQ2StatAesthetics, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays quantile-quantile plot.

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class statQQ2Line(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.path(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val quantiles: <Error class: unknown class><Number, Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, mapping: PathMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PathAesthetics, QQ2StatAesthetics, QQ2LineStatParameters, WithColorOption

Displays quantile-quantile fitting line.

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class statQQLine(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.qqLine(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val sample: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val distribution: String? = null, val dParams: List<Number>? = null, val quantiles: <Error class: unknown class><Number, Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, mapping: QQLineMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, QQLineAesthetics, QQStatAesthetics, QQLineStatParameters, WithColorOption

Displays quantile-quantile fitting line.

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class statSmooth(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.SMOOTH), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val ymin: Number? = null, val ymax: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val method: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val level: Number? = null, val se: Boolean? = null, val span: Number? = null, val deg: Int? = null, val seed: Long? = null, val maxN: Int? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: SmoothMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, SmoothAesthetics, SmoothStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a smoothed conditional mean.

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class statSum(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.point(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val x: Any? = null, val y: Any? = null, val alpha: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Any? = null, val stroke: Any? = null, val angle: Any? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PointAesthetics, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Sum unique values

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class statSummary(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.pointrange(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val orientation: String? = null, val x: Any? = null, val y: Any? = null, val ymin: Any? = null, val ymax: Any? = null, val xmin: Any? = null, val xmax: Any? = null, val alpha: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Any? = null, val stroke: Any? = null, val linewidth: Any? = null, val fn: String? = null, val fnMin: String? = null, val fnMax: String? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointRangeMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PointRangeAesthetics, SummaryStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays the aggregated values of a single continuous variable grouped along the x-axis.

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class statSummaryBin(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.pointrange(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val orientation: String? = null, val x: Any? = null, val y: Any? = null, val ymin: Any? = null, val ymax: Any? = null, val xmin: Any? = null, val xmax: Any? = null, val alpha: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Any? = null, val stroke: Any? = null, val linewidth: Any? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val threshold: Number? = null, val fn: String? = null, val fnMin: String? = null, val fnMax: String? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointRangeMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PointRangeAesthetics, SummaryBinStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a distribution by dividing variable mapped to x-axis into bins and applying aggregation functions to each bin.

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class statYDensity(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = GeomOptions(GeomKind.VIOLIN), val position: PosOptions = positionDodge(), val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val violinWidth: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val width: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val scale: String? = null, val tailsCutoff: Number? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: ViolinMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, ViolinAesthetics, YDensityStatAesthetics, YDensityStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a violin plot.


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fun statBoxplot(data: Map<*, *>? = null, geom: GeomOptions = Geom.boxplot(), position: PosOptions = positionDodge(), showLegend: Boolean = true, sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, x: Number? = null, y: Number? = null, lower: Number? = null, middle: Number? = null, upper: Number? = null, ymin: Number? = null, ymax: Number? = null, alpha: Number? = null, color: Any? = null, fill: Any? = null, size: Number? = null, stroke: Number? = null, linetype: Any? = null, shape: Any? = null, angle: Number? = null, width: Any? = null, weight: Any? = null, outlierAlpha: Number? = null, outlierColor: Any? = null, outlierFill: Any? = null, outlierShape: Any? = null, outlierAngle: Number? = null, outlierSize: Number? = null, outlierStroke: Number? = null, fatten: Number? = null, whiskerWidth: Number? = null, varWidth: Boolean? = null, coef: Number? = null, colorBy: String? = null, fillBy: String? = null, mapping: BoxplotMapping.() -> Unit = {}): FeatureList

Displays the distribution of data based on a five number summary ("minimum", first quartile (Q1), median, third quartile (Q3), and "maximum"), and "outlying" points individually.