
class statSummaryBin(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions = Geom.pointrange(), val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val orientation: String? = null, val x: Any? = null, val y: Any? = null, val ymin: Any? = null, val ymax: Any? = null, val xmin: Any? = null, val xmax: Any? = null, val alpha: Any? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val linetype: Any? = null, val shape: Any? = null, val size: Any? = null, val stroke: Any? = null, val linewidth: Any? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val threshold: Number? = null, val fn: String? = null, val fnMin: String? = null, val fnMax: String? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointRangeMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, PointRangeAesthetics, SummaryBinStatParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays a distribution by dividing variable mapped to x-axis into bins and applying aggregation functions to each bin.


Computed variables:

  • ..y.. : result of calculating of fn.

  • ..ymin.. : result of calculating of fnMin.

  • ..ymax.. : result of calculating of fnMax.




The data to be displayed in this layer. If null, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to letsPlot.


The geometry to display the binned summary stat for this layer, default is Geom.pointrange(), see Geom.


Position adjustment: positionIdentity, positionStack(), positionDodge(), etc. see Position.


default = true. false - do not show legend for this layer.


Result of the call to the samplingXxx() function. To prevent any sampling for this layer pass value samplingNone. For more info see sampling.html.


Result of the call to the layerTooltips() function. Specifies appearance, style and content.


Specifies the axis that the layer's stat and geom should run along, default = "x". Possible values: "x", "y".


default = "mean" ("count", "sum", "mean", "median", "min", "max", "lq", "mq", "uq"). Name of function computing stat variable ..y... Names "lq", "mq", "uq" correspond to lower, middle and upper quantiles, default = listOf(0.25, 0.5, 0.75).


default = "min" ("count", "sum", "mean", "median", "min", "max", "lq", "mq", "uq"). Name of function computing stat variable ..ymin... Names "lq", "mq", "uq" correspond to lower, middle and upper quantiles, default = listOf(0.25, 0.5, 0.75).


default = "max" ("count", "sum", "mean", "median", "min", "max", "lq", "mq", "uq"). Name of function computing stat variable ..ymax... Names "lq", "mq", "uq" correspond to lower, middle and upper quantiles, default = listOf(0.25, 0.5, 0.75).


default = listOf(0.25, 0.5, 0.75). A list of probabilities defining the quantile functions "lq", "mq" and "uq". Must contain exactly 3 values between 0 and 1.


Number of bins. Overridden by binwidth.


The width of the bins. The default is to use bin widths that cover the range of the data. You should always override this value, exploring multiple widths to find the best to illustrate the stories in your data.


Specifies x-value to align bin centers to.


Specifies x-value to align bin boundary (i.e. point between bins) to.


default = null Only bins with a ..count.. greater than the threshold will be displayed. This is useful for free scales in facets - use threshold=0 to make the plot take up the entire panel space.


X-axis coordinates for vertical interval / position of mid-point for horizontal interval.


Y-axis coordinates for horizontal interval / position of mid-point for vertical interval.


Lower bound for vertical interval.


Upper bound for vertical interval.


Lower bound for horizontal interval.


Upper bound for horizontal interval.


Transparency level of a layer. Understands numbers between 0 and 1.


Color of the geometry. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Fill color. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Lines width, size of mid-point.


Width of the shape border. Applied only to the shapes having border.


Line width.


Type of the line of border. Codes and names: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid", 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash", 6 = "twodash". For more info see: aesthetics.html#line-types.


Shape of the mid-point. For more info see: aesthetics.html#point-shapes.


default = "color" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the color aesthetic for the geometry.


default = "fill" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the fill aesthetic for the geometry.


Set of aesthetic mappings. Aesthetic mappings describe the way that variables in the data are mapped to plot "aesthetics".


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constructor(data: Map<*, *>? = null, geom: GeomOptions = Geom.pointrange(), position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, showLegend: Boolean = true, manualKey: Any? = null, sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, orientation: String? = null, x: Any? = null, y: Any? = null, ymin: Any? = null, ymax: Any? = null, xmin: Any? = null, xmax: Any? = null, alpha: Any? = null, color: Any? = null, fill: Any? = null, linetype: Any? = null, shape: Any? = null, size: Any? = null, stroke: Any? = null, linewidth: Any? = null, bins: Int? = null, binWidth: Number? = null, center: Number? = null, boundary: Number? = null, threshold: Number? = null, fn: String? = null, fnMin: String? = null, fnMax: String? = null, quantiles: List<Number>? = null, colorBy: String? = null, fillBy: String? = null, mapping: PointRangeMapping.() -> Unit = {})


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open override val alpha: Any? = null
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open override val bins: Int? = null
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open override val binWidth: Number? = null
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open override val boundary: Number? = null
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open override val center: Number? = null
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open override val color: Any? = null
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open override val colorBy: String? = null
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val data: Map<*, *>? = null
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open override val fill: Any? = null
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open override val fillBy: String? = null
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open override val fn: String? = null
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open override val fnMax: String? = null
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open override val fnMin: String? = null
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val geom: GeomOptions
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open override val linetype: Any? = null
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open override val linewidth: Any? = null
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val manualKey: Any? = null
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val mapping: <Error class: unknown class>
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val orientation: String? = null
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val parameters: <Error class: unknown class>
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val position: PosOptions?
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open override val quantiles: List<Number>? = null
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val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null
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open override val shape: Any? = null
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open override val size: Any? = null
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val stat: StatOptions
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open override val stroke: Any? = null
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open override val threshold: Number? = null
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open override val x: Any? = null
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open override val xmax: Any? = null
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open override val xmin: Any? = null
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open override val y: Any? = null
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open override val ymax: Any? = null
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open override val ymin: Any? = null