Lets-Plot for Kotlin 4.8.0 Help


Color and Fill

Colors and fills of geometries can be specified in the following ways:

  • RGB/RGBA (e.g. "rgb(0, 0, 255)").

  • HEX (e.g. "#0000ff").

  • A name, one of:

    Color names
  • A system color name, one of:

  • Color 'pen'
  • Color 'brush'
  • Color 'paper'

  • An instance of the java.awt.Color class.

Point Shapes

Point shapes

Line Types

Line types


Font Family

Universal font names:

Font families

The default font family is 'sans'.

You can also use the name of any other font installed on your system (e.g. "Times New Roman").

Font Face

Font faces

The default font face is 'plain'.

Last modified: 20 August 2024