
class statCount(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val geom: GeomOptions =, val position: PosOptions = positionStack(), val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val width: Number? = null, val size: Number? = null, val weight: Number? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: BarMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, CountStatAesthetics, BarAesthetics, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Displays the counts of items in each observed category.


Computed variables:

  • ..count.. : number of points with same x-axis coordinate.

  • ..sum.. : total number of points with same x-axis coordinate.

  • ..prop.. : groupwise proportion.

  • ..proppct.. : groupwise proportion in percent.

  • ..sumprop.. : proportion of points with same x-axis coordinate among all points in the dataset.

  • ..sumpct.. : proportion of points with same x-axis coordinate among all points in the dataset in percent.



The data to be displayed in this layer. If null, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to letsPlot.


The geometry to display the count stat for this layer, default is, see Geom.


default = positionStack(). Position adjustment: positionIdentity, positionStack(), positionDodge(), etc. see Position.


default = true. false - do not show legend for this layer.


Result of the call to the samplingXxx() function. To prevent any sampling for this layer pass value samplingNone. For more info see sampling.html.


X-axis value (this value will produce cases or bins for bars).


Y-axis value (this value will be used to multiply the case's or bin's counts).


Transparency level of a layer. Understands numbers between 0 and 1.


Color of the geometry. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Fill color. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Geometry width.


Lines width.


Used by the stat to compute weighted sum instead of simple count.


default = "color" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the color aesthetic for the geometry.


default = "fill" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the fill aesthetic for the geometry.


Set of aesthetic mappings. Aesthetic mappings describe the way that variables in the data are mapped to plot "aesthetics".


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constructor(data: Map<*, *>? = null, geom: GeomOptions =, position: PosOptions = positionStack(), showLegend: Boolean = true, manualKey: Any? = null, sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, x: Number? = null, y: Number? = null, alpha: Number? = null, color: Any? = null, fill: Any? = null, width: Number? = null, size: Number? = null, weight: Number? = null, colorBy: String? = null, fillBy: String? = null, mapping: BarMapping.() -> Unit = {})


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open override val alpha: Number? = null
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open override val color: Any? = null
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open override val colorBy: String? = null
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val data: Map<*, *>? = null
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open override val fill: Any? = null
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open override val fillBy: String? = null
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val geom: GeomOptions
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val manualKey: Any? = null
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val mapping: <Error class: unknown class>
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val orientation: String? = null
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val parameters: <Error class: unknown class>
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val position: PosOptions?
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val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null
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Link copied to clipboard
open override val size: Number? = null
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val stat: StatOptions
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open override val weight: Number? = null
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open override val width: Number? = null
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open override val x: Number? = null
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open override val y: Number? = null