
fun qqPlot(data: Map<*, *>, sample: String? = null, x: String? = null, y: String? = null, distribution: String? = null, dParams: List<Number>? = null, quantiles: <Error class: unknown class><Number, Number>? = null, group: String? = null, showLegend: Boolean = true, color: String? = null, fill: String? = null, alpha: Number? = null, size: Number? = null, shape: Int? = null, lineColor: String? = null, lineSize: Number? = null, linetype: Any? = null): Plot

Produces a Q-Q plot (quantile-quantile plot).

Supply the sample parameter to compare distribution of observations with a theoretical distribution ('normal' or as otherwise specified by the distribution parameter). Alternatively, supply x and y parameters to compare the distribution of x with the distribution of y.




The data to be displayed in this layer. If null, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to letsPlot.


Name of variable. Specifies a vector of observations used for computing of "sample quantiles". Use this parameter to produce a "sample vs. theoretical" Q-Q plot.


Name of variable specifying a vector of observations used for computing of x "sample quantiles". Use x and y parameters to produce a "sample X vs. sample Y" Q-Q plot.


Name of variable specifying a vector of observations used for computing of y "sample quantiles". Use x and y parameters to produce a "sample X vs. sample Y" Q-Q plot.


default = "norm". Distribution function to use: "norm", "uniform", "t", "gamma", "exp", "chi2". Could be specified if sample is.


Additional parameters passed on to distribution function. Could be specified if sample is.

  • If distribution is "norm" then dParams is a pair (mean, std) (default = listOf(0.0, 1.0)).

  • If distribution is "uniform" then dParams is a pair (a, b) (default = listOf(0.0, 1.0)).

  • If distribution is "t" then dParams is an integer number (d) (default = listOf(1)).

  • If distribution is "gamma" then dParams is a pair (alpha, beta) (default = listOf(1.0, 1.0)).

  • If distribution is "exp" then dParams is a float number (lambda) (default = listOf(1.0)).

  • If distribution is "chi2" then dParams is an integer number (k) (default = listOf(1)).


default = Pair(0.25, 0.75). Pair of quantiles to use when fitting the Q-Q line.


Grouping parameter. If it is specified and color-parameters isn't then different groups will have different colors.


default = true. false - do not show legend for this layer.


Color of a points. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Color to paint shape's inner points. Is applied only to the points of shapes having inner points.


default = 0.5. Transparency level of a points. Understands numbers between 0 and 1.


default = 3.0. Size of the points.


Shape of the points. For more info see: aesthetics.html#point-shapes.


default = "#FF0000". Color of the fitting line.


default = 0.75. Width of the fitting line.


Int or String. Type of the fitting line. Codes and names: 0 = "blank", 1 = "solid", 2 = "dashed", 3 = "dotted", 4 = "dotdash", 5 = "longdash", 6 = "twodash". For more info see: aesthetics.html#line-types.