
class geomLabel(val data: Map<*, *>? = null, val stat: StatOptions = Stat.identity, val position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, val showLegend: Boolean = true, val manualKey: Any? = null, val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, val tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, val map: SpatialDataset? = null, val mapJoin: <Error class: unknown class><Any, Any>? = null, val useCRS: String? = null, val x: Number? = null, val y: Number? = null, val label: String? = null, val alpha: Number? = null, val color: Any? = null, val fill: Any? = null, val size: Number? = null, val family: String? = null, val fontface: String? = null, val hjust: Any? = null, val vjust: Any? = null, val angle: Number? = null, val lineheight: Number? = null, val labelFormat: String? = null, val naText: String? = null, val nudgeX: Number? = null, val nudgeY: Number? = null, val labelPadding: Number? = null, val labelR: Number? = null, val labelSize: Number? = null, val alphaStroke: Boolean? = null, val sizeUnit: String? = null, val colorBy: String? = null, val fillBy: String? = null, mapping: LabelMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : Layer, LabelAesthetics, LabelParameters, WithSizeUnitOption, WithSpatialParameters, WithColorOption, WithFillOption

Adds a text directly to the plot with a rectangle behind the text.




The data to be displayed in this layer. If null, the default, the data is inherited from the plot data as specified in the call to letsPlot.


The statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer. Supported transformations: Stat.identity, Stat.bin(), Stat.count(), etc. see Stat.


Position adjustment: positionIdentity, positionStack(), positionDodge(), etc. see Position.


default = true. false - do not show legend for this layer.


String or result of the call to the layerKey() function. The key to show in the manual legend. Specifies the text for the legend label or advanced settings using the layerKey() function.


Result of the call to the samplingXxx() function. To prevent any sampling for this layer pass value samplingNone. For more info see sampling.html.


Result of the call to the layerTooltips() function. Specifies appearance, style and content.


Data-structure containing series of planar shapes and, optionally, associated data series (for example: names of States and their boundaries).

Supported shapes: Point and MultiPoint. All coordinates should be encoded as decimal degrees in WGS84 coordinate reference system.

Can be used with parameter mapJoin for joining data and map coordinates.


Pair of Names or Pair of Lists of Names. Specifies column names to join the data and the map coordinates on.

  • Pair.first: column name or list of column names in the data dataframe.

  • Pair.second: column name or list of column names in the map dataframe.


By default, all coordinates are converted into degrees of longitude and latitude, and these map coordinates are projected onto the screen coordinates using Mercator projection. Specify useCRS = "provided" to keep the SpatialDataset's original coordinate reference system (CRS).


X-axis value.


Y-axis value.


Text to add to plot.


Transparency level of a layer. Understands numbers between 0 and 1.


Color of the geometry. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Background color of the label. For more info see: aesthetics.html#color-and-fill.


Font size.


default = "sans". For more info see: aesthetics.html#font-family.


default = "plain". For more info see: aesthetics.html#font-face.


("left", "middle", "right") or number between 0 ("left") and 1 ("right") or "inward" (aligns label towards the plot center), "outward" (away from the plot center). Horizontal label alignment.


("bottom", "center", "top") or number between 0 ("bottom") and 1 ("top") or "inward" (aligns label towards the plot center), "outward" (away from the plot center). Vertical label alignment.


Label rotation angle in degrees.


Line height multiplier applied to the font size in the case of multi-line text.


Specifies the format pattern for displaying mapped values.


default = "n/a". Text to show for missing values.


Horizontal adjustment to nudge labels by.


Vertical adjustment to nudge labels by.


Amount of padding around label. Defaults to 0.25 of font size.


Radius of rounded corners. Defaults to 0.15 of label height.


default = 1.0. Size of label border.


default = false. Enables the applying of 'alpha' to 'color' (label text and border).


Relates the size of the text label to the length of the unit step along one of the axes. Possible values: "x", "y". If not specified, no fitting is performed.


default = "color" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the color aesthetic for the geometry.


default = "fill" ("fill", "color", "paint_a", "paint_b", "paint_c"). Defines the fill aesthetic for the geometry.


Set of aesthetic mappings. Aesthetic mappings describe the way that variables in the data are mapped to plot "aesthetics".

Format patterns in the labelFormat parameter can be just a number format (like "d") or a string template where number format is surrounded by curly braces: "{d} cylinders". For more info see: formats.html Note: the "$" must be escaped as "\$".


  • ".2f" -> "12.45"

  • "Score: {.2f}" -> "Score: 12.45"

  • "Score: {}" -> "Score: 12.454789"


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constructor(data: Map<*, *>? = null, stat: StatOptions = Stat.identity, position: PosOptions = positionIdentity, showLegend: Boolean = true, manualKey: Any? = null, sampling: SamplingOptions? = null, tooltips: TooltipOptions? = null, map: SpatialDataset? = null, mapJoin: <Error class: unknown class><Any, Any>? = null, useCRS: String? = null, x: Number? = null, y: Number? = null, label: String? = null, alpha: Number? = null, color: Any? = null, fill: Any? = null, size: Number? = null, family: String? = null, fontface: String? = null, hjust: Any? = null, vjust: Any? = null, angle: Number? = null, lineheight: Number? = null, labelFormat: String? = null, naText: String? = null, nudgeX: Number? = null, nudgeY: Number? = null, labelPadding: Number? = null, labelR: Number? = null, labelSize: Number? = null, alphaStroke: Boolean? = null, sizeUnit: String? = null, colorBy: String? = null, fillBy: String? = null, mapping: LabelMapping.() -> Unit = {})


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open override val alpha: Number? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val alphaStroke: Boolean? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val angle: Number? = null
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open override val color: Any? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val colorBy: String? = null
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val data: Map<*, *>? = null
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open override val family: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val fill: Any? = null
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open override val fillBy: String? = null
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open override val fontface: String? = null
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val geom: GeomOptions
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open override val hjust: Any? = null
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open override val label: String? = null
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open override val labelFormat: String? = null
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open override val labelPadding: Number? = null
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open override val labelR: Number? = null
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Link copied to clipboard
open override val labelSize: Number? = null
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open override val lineheight: Number? = null
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val manualKey: Any? = null
Link copied to clipboard
open override val map: SpatialDataset? = null
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open override val mapJoin: <Error class: unknown class><Any, Any>? = null
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val mapping: <Error class: unknown class>
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open override val naText: String? = null
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open override val nudgeX: Number? = null
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open override val nudgeY: Number? = null
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val orientation: String? = null
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val parameters: <Error class: unknown class>
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val position: PosOptions?
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val sampling: SamplingOptions? = null
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open override val size: Number? = null
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open override val sizeUnit: String? = null
Link copied to clipboard
val stat: StatOptions
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Link copied to clipboard
open override val useCRS: String? = null
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open override val vjust: Any? = null
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open override val x: Number? = null
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open override val y: Number? = null