
object Stat

Stat options to pass as a value of stat parameter of layer functions like:

val n = 100
val rand = java.util.Random(42)
val data = mapOf("x" to List(n) { rand.nextGaussian() })
letsPlot(data) +
geomArea(stat = Stat.density()) { x="x" }


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class bin(val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val threshold: Number? = null, val mapping: BinStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, BinStatParameters
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class bin2D(val bins: <Error class: unknown class><Int, Int>? = null, val binWidth: <Error class: unknown class><Number?, Number?>? = null, val drop: Boolean? = null, val mapping: Bin2dStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, Bin2dStatParameters
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class boxplot(val varWidth: Boolean? = null, val coef: Number? = null, val mapping: BoxplotStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, BoxplotStatParameters
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class boxplotOutlier(val coef: Number? = null, val mapping: BoxplotStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, BoxplotOutlierStatParameters
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class contour(val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val mapping: ContourStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, ContourStatParameters
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class contourFilled(val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val mapping: ContourStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, ContourStatParameters
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class count(val mapping: CountStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions
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class count2d(val mapping: Count2dStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions
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class density(val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val mapping: DensityStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, DensityStatParameters
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class density2D(val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val contour: Boolean? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val mapping: Density2dStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, Density2dStatParameters
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class density2DFilled(val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val contour: Boolean? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val mapping: Density2dStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, Density2dStatParameters
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class densityRidges(val tailsCutoff: Number? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val mapping: DensityRidgesStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, DensityRidgesStatParameters
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class dotplot(val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val method: String? = null, val mapping: DotplotStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, DotplotStatParameters
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class ecdf(val n: Int? = null, val pad: Boolean? = true, val mapping: ECDFStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, ECDFStatParameters
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class qq(val distribution: String? = null, val dParams: List<Number>? = null, val mapping: QQStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, QQStatParameters
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class qq2(val mapping: QQ2StatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions
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class qq2Line(val quantiles: <Error class: unknown class><Number, Number>? = null, val mapping: QQ2StatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, QQ2LineStatParameters
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class qqLine(val distribution: String? = null, val dParams: List<Number>? = null, val quantiles: <Error class: unknown class><Number, Number>? = null, val mapping: QQStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, QQLineStatParameters
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class smooth(val method: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val level: Number? = null, val se: Boolean? = null, val span: Number? = null, val deg: Int? = null, val seed: Long? = null, val maxN: Int? = null, val mapping: SmoothStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, SmoothStatParameters
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class sum(val mapping: SumStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions
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class summary(val fn: String? = null, val fnMin: String? = null, val fnMax: String? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val mapping: SummaryStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, SummaryStatParameters
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class summaryBin(val fn: String? = null, val fnMin: String? = null, val fnMax: String? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val threshold: Number? = null, val mapping: SummaryBinStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, SummaryBinStatParameters
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class yDensity(val scale: String? = null, val tailsCutoff: Number? = null, val bw: Any? = null, val kernel: String? = null, val n: Int? = null, val trim: Boolean? = null, val adjust: Number? = null, val fullScanMax: Int? = null, val quantiles: List<Number>? = null, val mapping: YDensityStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, YDensityStatParameters
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class yDotplot(val bins: Int? = null, val binWidth: Number? = null, val center: Number? = null, val boundary: Number? = null, val method: String? = null, val mapping: YDotplotStatMapping.() -> Unit = {}) : StatOptions, YDotplotStatParameters


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val identity: StatOptions