
ggsave(plot: PlotSpec | SupPlotsSpec | GGBunch, filename: str, *, path: str | None = None, iframe: bool = True, scale: float | None = None, w: float | None = None, h: float | None = None, unit: str | None = None, dpi: int | None = None) str#

Export plot or bunch to a file. Supported formats: PNG, SVG, PDF, HTML.

The exported file is created in directory ${user.dir}/lets-plot-images if not specified otherwise (see the path parameter).


Plot specification to export.


The name of file. It must end with a file extension corresponding to one of the supported formats: SVG, HTML (or HTM), PNG (requires CairoSVG library), PDF.


Path to a directory to save image files in. By default, it is ${user.dir}/lets-plot-images.

iframebool, default=True

Whether to wrap HTML page into a iFrame. Only applicable when exporting to HTML. Some browsers may not display some UTF-8 characters correctly when setting iframe=True

scalefloat, default=2.0

Scaling factor for raster output. Only applicable when exporting to PNG or PDF.

wfloat, default=None

Width of the output image in units. Only applicable when exporting to PNG or PDF.

hfloat, default=None

Height of the output image in units. Only applicable when exporting to PNG or PDF.

unit{‘in’, ‘cm’, ‘mm’}, default=None

Unit of the output image. One of: ‘in’, ‘cm’, ‘mm’. Only applicable when exporting to PNG or PDF.

dpiint, default=None

Resolution in dots per inch. Only applicable when exporting to PNG or PDF.


Absolute pathname of created file.


Output format is inferred from the filename extension.

For PNG and PDF formats:

  1. If w, h, unit, and dpi are all specified:

    • scale is ignored.

    • The plot’s pixel size (default or set by ggsize()) is converted to the specified units using the given dpi.

    • If the aspect ratio of w and h differs from the plot’s pixel aspect ratio:

      • The plot maintains its original (pixel) aspect ratio.

      • It’s fitted within the specified w x h area.

      • Any extra space is left empty.

  2. If w, h are not specified:

    • The scale parameter is used to determine the output size.


1from lets_plot import *
3plot = ggplot() + geom_point(x=0, y=0)
4ggsave(plot, 'plot.html', path='.', iframe=False)

1from lets_plot import *
3plot = ggplot() + geom_point(x=0, y=0) + ggsize(800, 400)
4ggsave(plot, 'plot.png', w=8, h=4, unit='in', dpi=300)