- lets_plot.maptiles_zxy(url: str, attribution: str | None = None, min_zoom: int | None = None, max_zoom: int | None = None, subdomains: str | None = None, **other_args) dict #
Make raster tiles config. Can be used individually in geom_livemap() or in every livemap via LetsPlot.set().
- Parameters:
- urlstr
Template for a standard raster ZXY tile provider with {z}, {x}, {y} and {s} placeholders, e.g.
. Where {z} means zoom, {x} and {y} means tile coordinate, {s} means subdomains.- attributionstr
An attribution or a copyright notice to display on the map as required by the tile license. Supports HTML links:
'<a href="http://www.example.com">Example</a>'
.- min_zoomint
Minimal zoom limit, an integer from 1 to 15. Should be less than or equal to max_zoom.
- max_zoomint
Maximal zoom limit, an integer from 1 to 15. Should be greater than or equal to min_zoom.
- subdomainsstr
Each character of this list is interpreted as standalone tile servers, so an interactive map can request tiles from any of these servers independently for better load balance. If url contains {s} placeholder and subdomains parameter is not set default string ‘abc’ will be used.
- other_args
Any key-value pairs that can be substituted into the URL template, e.g.
maptiles_zxy(url='http://maps.example.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_key={key}', key='MY_ACCESS_KEY')
- Returns:
- dict
Tile provider settings.
1from lets_plot import * 2LetsPlot.setup_html() 3tiles = maptiles_zxy( 4 url="https://gibs.earthdata.nasa.gov/wmts/epsg3857/best/VIIRS_CityLights_2012/default/GoogleMapsCompatible_Level8/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg", 5 attribution='<a href="https://earthdata.nasa.gov/eosdis/science-system-description/eosdis-components/gibs">© NASA Global Imagery Browse Services (GIBS)</a>', 6 max_zoom=8 7) 8ggplot() + geom_livemap(tiles=tiles)