
lets_plot.geom_livemap(*, location=None, zoom=None, projection=None, tiles=None, show_coord_pick_tools=None, data_size_zoomin=None, const_size_zoomin=None, **other_args)#

Display an interactive map.


Initial position of the map. If not set, display the United States. There are [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2,…, lonN, latN]: lon1, lon2,…, lonN are longitudes in degrees (positive in the Eastern hemisphere); lat1, lat2,…, latN are latitudes in degrees (positive in the Northern hemisphere).


Zoom of the map in the range 1 - 15.

projectionstr, default=’epsg3857’

The map projection. There are: ‘epsg3857’ for Mercator projection; ‘epsg4326’ for Equirectangular projection. projection only works with vector map tiles (i.e. Lets-Plot map tiles).


Tile provider:

  • pass a predefined constant from the tilesets module (Lets-Plot’s vector tiles, e.g. LETS_PLOT_COLOR, or external raster tiles, e.g. OPEN_TOPO_MAP);

  • pass a URL for a standard raster ZXY tile provider with {z}, {x} and {y} wildcards (e.g. ‘http://my.tile.com/{z}/{x}/{y}.png’) if the required tileset not present in the module;

  • pass the result of a call to a maptiles_zxy() function if further customisation is required (e.g. attribution or zoom).

More information about tiles can be found here: https://lets-plot.org/python/pages/basemap_tiles.html

show_coord_pick_toolsbool, default=False

Show buttons “copy location” and “draw geometry”.

data_size_zoominint, default=0

Control how zooming-in of the map widget increases size of geometry objects (circles, lines etc.) on map when the size is set by means of mapping between the data and the size aesthetic. 0 - size never increases; -1 - size will be increasing without limits; n - a number of zooming-in steps (counting from the initial state of the map widget) when size of objects will be increasing. Farther zooming will no longer affect the size.

const_size_zoominint, default=-1

Control how zooming-in of the map widget increases size of geometry objects (circles, lines etc.) on map when the size is not linked to a data (i.e. constant size). 0 - size never increases; -1 - size will be increasing without limits; n - a number of zooming-in steps (counting from the initial state of the map widget) when size of objects will be increasing. Farther zooming will no longer affect the size.


Other arguments passed on to the layer.


Geom object specification.


geom_livemap() draws a map, which can be dragged and zoomed.

By default the livemap area has a non-zero inset. You can get rid of this with the theme: theme(plot_inset=0).


1from lets_plot import *
3ggplot() + geom_livemap()

 1from lets_plot import *
 2from lets_plot import tilesets
 4data = {
 5    'city': ['New York City', 'Prague'],
 6    'lon': [-73.7997, 14.418540],
 7    'lat': [40.6408, 50.073658],
 9ggplot(data, aes(x='lon', y='lat')) + \
10    geom_livemap(projection='epsg4326', tiles=tilesets.LETS_PLOT_DARK) + \
11    geom_path(color='white', geodesic=True) + \
12    geom_point(color='white', tooltips=layer_tooltips().line('@city')) + \
13    ggtitle("The shortest path between New York and Prague")