- element_text(color=None, family=None, face=None, size=None, angle=None, hjust=None, vjust=None, margin=None, blank=False) dict #
Specify how non-data components of the plot are drawn. This theme element draws texts.
- Parameters:
- colorstr
Text color.
- familystr
Font family.
- facestr
Font face (“plain”, “italic”, “bold”, “bold_italic”).
- sizeint
Text size in px.
- anglefloat
Angle to rotate the text (in degrees).
- hjustfloat
Horizontal justification (in [0, 1]). 0 - left-justified; 1 - right-justified; 0.5 - center-justified. Can be used with values out of range, but behaviour is not specified.
- vjustfloat
Vertical justification (in [0, 1]). 0 - bottom-justified; 1 - top-justified; 0.5 - middle-justified. Can be used with values out of range, but behaviour is not specified.
- marginnumber or list of numbers
Margins around the text. The margin may be specified using a number or a list of numbers:
a number or list of one number - the same margin it applied to all four sides;
a list of two numbers - the first margin applies to the top and bottom, the second - to the left and right;
a list of three numbers - the first margin applies to the top, the second - to the right and left, the third - to the bottom;
a list of four numbers - the margins are applied to the top, right, bottom and left in that order.
It is acceptable to use None for any side; in this case, the default side value for this element will be used.
- blankbool, default=False
If True - draws nothing, and assigns no space.
- Returns:
- dict
Theme element specification.
1import numpy as np 2from lets_plot import * 3LetsPlot.setup_html() 4np.random.seed(42) 5data = {'x': np.random.normal(size=1000)} 6ggplot(data, aes(x='x')) + geom_histogram() + \ 7 theme(axis_text=element_text(color='#cb181d', face='bold_italic', margin=[5, 10]))